Luxor / Egypt in Autumn 2018

Departure from Munich Airport
Departure from Munich Airport

Staying in Winter Pavillon

Some animals in the garden

The beautiful pool

The Winter Palace - the neighbouring hotel in the same garden

Dinner in Restaurant 1886

The veranda to the Nile

Walking along the Nile

Luxor Temple by night
Luxor Temple by night
Abul-Haggag Mosque built into one of the corners of Luxor Temple
Abul-Haggag Mosque built into one of the corners of Luxor Temple

Inside the mosque there are remains (columns and walls) from the temple. There is even an elephant relief and a great view to Luxor Temple from above.

Luxor suq

Crossing the Nile for the Westbank

The tomb of Rekhmire with the small elephant (on the left, below) and the giraffe

Funny paintings in some of the tombs in Deir el Medine

Deir el Medine and its ptolemaic temple

A visit to the Valley of Kings

The tomb of Tawseret-Sethnakht, one of my favourite tombs

The  tomb of Siptah, also one my favourites. Entrance on the left side

The Temple of Hatschepsut in Deir el Bahari

The upper storey

Crossing the Nile again in the evening

Flight back to Germany:

- Luxor from above

- The Alps seen from the plane